This book spans over 10 years of my life. It began in 1993 when I received a summer research grant from Duke's Center for Documentary Studies to interview Negro League players and longtime black Washingtonians about when the Grays played at Griffith Stadium. I turned the interviews and research into my senior honors thesis at Duke. While at the Baltimore Sun, I kept researching the Homestead Grays and interviewing old timers such as Clark Griffith's nephew, Calvin. Following my graduation from Yale Law School in 1999 and a federal appellate clerkship in 2000, I decided (after encouragement from an old and dear friend) to spend nine months turning my research about the Grays into a book. I endured the embarrassment of moving back home with my parents, and churned out the manuscript. The draft piqued the interest of Greg Dinkin and Frank Scatoni of Venture Literary, as well as Matthew Carnicelli, an editor at Contemporary Books. After months of editing and skillful production work, Contemporary published Beyond the Shadow of the Senators in February 2003.
Photo Credits: Josh Gibson - Art Carter Papers, Moorland-Spingarn Research Center, Howard University. Sam Lacy, Jackie Robinson and Dr. Carl Murphy
- National Baseball Hall of Fame Library.